The Sharing Philosophy

Shared Beach Art; Source: Royal Tropical Institute

I’ve recently subscribed to an interesting blog called Shareable.  Its a nice blog & website that promotes the virtues of sharing not only material things but also ideas.

I found out about this site through the Zen Habits blog post 34 Little Ways to Share With the World.  There was a follow-up to this post at the Shareable blog that got me thinking about it more.

There are a lot of benefits to sharing what we have been provided with.  I think in many ways it allows us to break free from our own insecurities and fears that we’re going to get taken advantage of if we give up our money, things, or unique ideas.  I have felt like this many times in my job or in interactions with others that I don’t trust.

What I have come to realize though is that if you allow yourself to be open to the ideas of sharing or giving valuable things away (like your time and money), there is a good chance you will get something more valuable in return (like new skills and relationships)

Some of the ways that I have shared include:
– Volunteering my time to teach computers and math
– Donating items to the Goodwill
– Donating our money to church and other charitable causes
– Training materials for software packages online

There are several other easy ways to incorporate giving and sharing easily into your life.  Some easy things to do include:
– Having people over to your house for dinner
– Volunteer at your local community center
– Participate in a vanpool or carpool or take transit
– Make your presents like Darci does at Adventures With Adelaide
– If you live someplace where it is possible, use car sharing or bike sharing programs

Overall, I think that giving some of your time, skills, or money away is a good way to open yourself up to new ideas.

I’d love to hear what other people’s thoughts are on this.


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